Making Decisions About Home Care

Top Stair-Lift Safety Tips For New Users

by Mae Ferguson

Installing a stair lift at your home can be great way to safely get from one floor to the next without having to climb stairs. Still, as with any mechanical device, there are some safety precautions that you'll need to take if you're thinking of adding a stair lift in your home. And while the specific safety tips will vary from one manufacturer to the next, there are some general guidelines worth keeping in mind in your household.

Avoid Loose Clothing

Machinery and loose clothing do not mix well, and stair lifts are no exception. Dangling fabrics, clothing, and even jewelry or hair have a chance of getting caught along the stair lift when it is in operation. As you prepare to strap yourself into your stair lift chair, then, take a moment to ensure that long hair is tied back and there are no dangling items.

Always Check Your Path

Checking the path your chair will be traveling is key to avoiding injuries caused by obstructions. This is especially important if you have small children in the house, as they could be using the stairs or they may have left toys or other items on the stairs. If you have small pets, always check to ensure they're clear of the stairs before you begin moving as well.

Consider a Power Generator

While the chances of a power failure occurring while you're using your stair lift are slim, there is always a possibility that this could happen. For added peace of mind, you might consider installing a power generator at your home so that your lift won't be affected in a power outage. The right sized generator will also help keep your lights and appliances working during an outage.

Schedule Regular Service

Your stair lift should be relatively low maintenance, but it's always a good idea to have your stair lift installer come out to home and tune-up/inspect the mechanics at least once a year. This will help you to avoid malfunctions by spotting early signs of problems so they can be repaired early on. Having regular maintenance done will also give you added peace of  mind in the safety of your stair lift.

Installing a home stair lift is a wise choice for many people with mobility challenges who still want to live independently. Be sure to keep these safety tips in mind as you get used to your new lift. For more information, contact companies like All-Star Lifts.
