Making Decisions About Home Care

Asthma Care Services That Can Help Your Child

by Mae Ferguson

If you have a child that suffers from asthma, you probably spend many hours worrying about the best way to ensure the child does not experience an attack when you are not around. There are different ways to help keep your child breathing easily, and it is likely you will need to use more than one method. Here are a few methods to consider and have ready at all times.


It is important that you, your child, and any caregivers know what triggers an asthma attack in your child. You need to pay close attention to the way the child is breathing during different activities, in different weather conditions, and different locations. You may find that they have trouble in a home that does not have any open windows or other ventilation or perhaps will start to cough and wheeze after exercising for 30 minutes. Be prepared to step in and move the child or stop them from running around before they start having trouble. 


If you know the child is going to be in a place or situation where they are likely to experience an attack or symptoms, make sure they take their asthma medications before going to the place or starting the activity. This should be enough to help stop an attack and keep the child comfortable. If you are not sure of a place or what your child will be doing, go ahead and give the medication. However, you should avoid giving the drugs as a precaution when you are certain they will be safe. You do not want the child to become accustomed to the drug so that it does not work properly when needed.


Be sure to keep an inhaler with your child at all times. This can be used for those times when you did not expect there to be a problem, and one arises or when the medications your child too as a precaution to a situation are not enough to prevent an attack. 

Being unable to breathe is terrifying. When an asthma attack hits, it is important to keep your child as calm as possible. The added fear can further inhibit their breathing and make matters worse. You, or the caregiver, need to be able to remain calm and do whatever necessary to help the child. If the medication and inhaler do not stop the attack, call for an ambulance. You will need to hold and calm the child, do not attempt to drive them to a medical facility yourself.

For more information, contact your local asthma care services today.
