Making Decisions About Home Care

  • Caring For An Aging Parent? 3 Unpleasant Emotions You Might Experience

    27 December 2014

    When you first agreed to become your mom or dad's caretaker, you may not have realized how much work it would entail. Aging parents often require a significant amount of care, whether they are physically disabled or battling Alzheimer's. No matter how much you love your parent, there may be days where you feel physically and emotionally exhausted. Here are three common emotions that you may experience after you commit to care for your elderly mom or dad.

  • How To Warm-Up Your Body Before You Go Skiing

    22 December 2014

    Skiing can be a lot of fun and a great way to get some exercise in during the winter, but you have to be careful to avoid injuries. Professional athletes spend time stretching and warming up their bodies before each practice and event—and they are typically in prime physical condition. If you are a recreational skier who only takes to the slopes occasionally, you should do the same thing as professional athletes and spend some time preparing your body before you go skiing.