Making Decisions About Home Care

  • Over And Under-The-Muscle Implants: Pros And Cons

    23 January 2015

    If you a looking at the different types of breast implants, you will have come across the terms "over" and "under". This is a very important distinction. Everyone knows about the importance of silicone vs. saline, but many people don't consider the importance of where the implant goes. It is very important to familiarize yourself with the different techniques before you see a physician. Many doctors are comfortable doing a particular implant style, so they may push that one on you when you speak to them.

  • Taking Care Of Yourself After A Minor Car Accident

    29 December 2014

    Car accidents can be jarring and damaging to muscles and spinal alignment. Minor car accidents can even be damaging to your emotional and mental health. In the days following a minor car accident, you may find that your muscles are sore, your body aches, and relaxing is difficult. These tips will help you find the peace and comfort you need to feel better. Apply Ice or Heat to Sore Muscles

  • 3 Ways To Find Support During The Final Days Of A Loved One's Life

    29 December 2014

    It is never easy to hear that someone you love is dying. There is no doubt that this realization will leave you grappling to find a balance between a myriad of emotions and being strong for your family member. This constant struggle, along with taking time off of work, and losing track of your own priorities, often leads to longing for some form of support just to get through. Here are three options you should consider during the final days of your loved one.

  • Caring For An Aging Parent? 3 Unpleasant Emotions You Might Experience

    27 December 2014

    When you first agreed to become your mom or dad's caretaker, you may not have realized how much work it would entail. Aging parents often require a significant amount of care, whether they are physically disabled or battling Alzheimer's. No matter how much you love your parent, there may be days where you feel physically and emotionally exhausted. Here are three common emotions that you may experience after you commit to care for your elderly mom or dad.

  • Back Pain: The Possible Reasons Heavy Lifting Causes It & How To Get Relief

    26 December 2014

    Has years of heavy lifting led to your back suffering bad pain? You may need to seek assistance from an orthopedic doctor so he or she can examine your back to diagnose and treat it. Below, discover the possible reasons heavy lifting made your back hurt and how to get treated for relief. What are the Possible Reasons Heavy Lifting Causes Back Pain? There are several ways that pain can develop in the back from heavy lifting.

  • How To Warm-Up Your Body Before You Go Skiing

    22 December 2014

    Skiing can be a lot of fun and a great way to get some exercise in during the winter, but you have to be careful to avoid injuries. Professional athletes spend time stretching and warming up their bodies before each practice and event—and they are typically in prime physical condition. If you are a recreational skier who only takes to the slopes occasionally, you should do the same thing as professional athletes and spend some time preparing your body before you go skiing.

  • 4 Hearing Aids Problems And What You Can Do About Them

    22 December 2014

    Your audiologist will walk through how to care for your hearing aids when you first get a pair. However, even with good care, you might experience occasional problems with your hearing aids. Fortunately, most of the problems are easy to fix without the need to head back to your audiologist.  Whistling When you first insert your hearing aids, you might notice a whistling or howling sound. The noise could be the result of a build up of wax in your ears.